A little about me…


An original Easy’s Lemon Cake… After all Easy is the women who raised me, and also the beautiful soul who inspired this journey.

I’m going to show you how to make the world’s best Lemon Cake; ummm, no… actually I’m not. It’s a secret, but maybe one day, I’ll make you one! At the very least, I will definitely show you a pretty picture of it and a glimpse of the original recipe from 1968, that’s now, laminated and kept in my locked, iron box that reads “Love Letters” and has some of those inside it, as well.

Seven houses to a suitcase!  I’m going to share with you how I went from living in seven stunning, lavishly furnished, staffed homes, in some of our country’s most gorgeous and coveted locations like Montecito, California or Sea Island on the Southeast coast of Georgia, while driving Bentleys and Mercedes G Wagons and flying from coast to coast in our Lear Jet together with kids, dogs and a Red Ear’d  Slider turtle, and then BOOM, one day my kid’s and my life imploded. We went from all that to finding ourselves just one week later, living in my Mother’s two bedroom, two bath rental home with her, her two dogs, my two kids, our three dogs, Squirt, the turtle, and me! 

I’ve dined with Presidents, cowboys, and actors; I’ve met and sat in the front row to watch Frank Sinatra perform (three times); I’ve idolized and been introduced to John Wayne; I’ve had occasions to meet men such as the ones mentioned as well as a President or two; I’ve known and totally “crushed” on men such as Stephen Ford and David Anspaugh; I’ve had occasions to dine with race car legend Carroll Shelby and “hosted” events and fundraisers for a Saudi Arabian Prince, as well as Congressman Darrell Issa; I’ve been sensational at a size 10, and my saddest at a size 2;  I’ve volunteered and cleaned 75 dog kennels three times per week working alongside convicts; I’ve lit “smudge pots” in the dead of night to protect a lemon crop; I’ve watched a table of original New York Gangsters plot a proposed “hit;” I’ve had brilliant best friends that were women three times my age; I’ve sat alongside my husband while he bid on and bought the Rothman’s Porsche that won LeMans as well as the Gulf GT40.

I survived Tuberculosis as an infant, Necrotizing Fasciitis (flesh-eating bacteria) while a young mother, not just once but TWICE…as well as much more, but I have to save some of those details for future posts, right?

Bottom line, though, is that I’m here to encourage, support, and be the voice that says, “you can do it.”

You can rise, you can stumble, you can defy the odds, you can fall, even fail, but… you can still survive and stand again! 


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