My Sister… My Friend…

“Angels Among Us!”



There were six years and three miscarriages between the day I was born to join my sister, Viv, and the rest of the Collins family. Because I had Tuberculosis as an infant and subsequently some complicated Thyroid issues, my family hired a nurse that came everyday to help care for me. Combined with all of the normal attention that is given a newborn, especially after six years and the series of miscarriages that occurred before my birth, there could have been plenty of resentment for any firstborn to feel, and then mix in the added attention due to my illness, and it would have been nothing short of a miracle for my Sister to want anything to do with me, except potentially drown me in the bathtub.....right? Obviously, I don’t remember that far back myself, but the boxes upon boxes of photographic evidence, combined with the stories that I’ve always heard throughout the years (with a of couple exceptions; one having to do with sharks and another about an adoption story and how I came into our family) should be proof enough that Viv was almost always protective and a source of comfort and safety! I must have been only four or five, when I can remember running to her room after awakening from a bad dream…rather than go to my parents. Even at that age, I vividly remember the raised voices and fighting that came from my parent’s room, but Viv always had the ability to reassure me, and rub my back until I fell to sleep again!


Viv, with my first born…and her, “Firstly!”

The day my own daughter and first child was born, proved no different. Once again, Viv, was there to reassure me; a “safety net” indeed. Emily arrived early, and it was Friday, February 22, instead of March 5th, as “originally and most beautifully planned” (quote from one of my all-time favorite movies, “High Society) when she made her grand entry into this world. I had gone for my usual check up on Monday, just four days earlier and the doctor relayed he was fairly certain it would not be for several more days before my baby would be born. I left the doctor’s office, returned home and relayed the news to Al, who breathed a sigh of relief, as he was due to leave the next morning for what might be his last work trip before the birth occurred. Early the next morning off he flew to New York with everything right on schedule and in fine shape! Two days later on Thursday, I got home after a full and always favorite way to spend a day, having picked up my two and a half year old Nephew from his nursery school. We set off for our usual outing of lunch, and either a trip to the mall, or the merry-go-round at Seaport Village. That evening, I felt even more huge and exhausted than usual and the Taco Bell that Gray had picked for our luncheon choice, wasn’t sitting very all. In fact, I think it actually had the baby doing cartwheels and somersaults inside my belly. I went to bed early and awoke around 5:30 the next morning, only to race to the bathroom with water practically pouring out of me! In an absolute panic, I called my Mom, as she’s the only person I knew who would also be up, at that time! She very calmly told me what was happening, and that I was to hang up from her and call Viv immediately, who thankfully lived only a few miles away and that’s exactly what I did. In her best, take-charge manner, Viv told me to pack a tiny bag and she and/or my brother-in-law, Bull would be right there! Feeling more than a little frightened and very alone, I thought I could fill the time, however brief, by jumping in the shower. That done, I pulled on leggings and one of the few, tolerable, maternity tops I had managed to find and purchase, while the door bell and house phone were simultaneously ringing. I made my way towards the door, as I answered the phone’s handheld receiver. It was Viv and Bull at the door, and Al on the phone. Viv directed Bull towards my room to grab my bag, while I told Al what was happening; he was truly incredulous as he said, “that can’t’s not on schedule, and it’s also not what the damn Doctor said!” I agreed but responded saying, “nonetheless, we’re heading to the hospital.” Viv told me to get in Bull’s Wagoneer, as that was the car where she had lined the front seat with towels, just in case something should happen on the way to the hospital, and she would meet us at Scripps, because my sister Viv just wouldn’t be Viv without that not so small concern in the back of her mind… that she would prefer I not give birth in her brand new car! That memory still makes me smile, as it was just Viv’s way; predictably in charge and making things happen, no matter the circumstances. Bull got me safely to the hospital, where Viv met us, and then Bull drove back to the Ranch to get their three boys to school, take my dog to the kennel for the weekend, and then go to work. The rest of the day was a bit of a blur; my Mom arrived around midday after driving from Santa Barbara, but Viv was still there and remained the entire time. She was quick to tell the nurses that I WOULD be getting an Epidural, not to bother me with any of the “nuisance” items but rather focus on doing their job, which was to make my birthing experience easier. Viv was in the delivery room and afterwards too! Bull picked up Al and delivered him to the hospital about an hour and a half after Emily was born; he was exhausted and left probably another hour and a half later, but still Viv stayed!

Viv was an obvious choice for the role of Godmother, and fiercely favored her “Firstly” (aka, Emily) for every day that followed until she passed. She was my sibling, my first friend, my protector, at times an adversary, but still a treasured part of and person in my life, for every day that she was alive! Happy National Sibling Day, My Sister/My Friend! #angelsamongus


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