Well Hello There…

Hello Blog World... and all those hungry eyes all around the world;  I feel your support and see your interest.....thank you.   Deareasydiaries.com has a “guest-poster”today, and I want to introduce you....please meet my daughter, Emily Capone....

Readers and bloggers.... what a pleasure it is to introduce myself, Emily Capone,  daughter of Missy and (he who shall not be named) Capone 

***The above is my moms graceful and beautiful intro, however I do take a little different approach sometimes… Mine is this…

Hello Blog world… and all those eyes that we know are reading… yes that’s right… we CAN see every single one of you! Did you know that? We see how many times you all read each post… so please eat your hearts out!

I asked my mom if I could do a little "guest" appearance on this amazing doctrine of truth that she has created and is bravely sharing with the world.

I just wanted to say a few things since it seems as though my mother's blog has recently caught the attention of quite a few interesting, and nervous readers.

I thought this photo was appropriate… Obviously I was younger but I still feel this very “WTF” expression as I type right now…

I thought this photo was appropriate… Obviously I was younger but I still feel this very “WTF” expression as I type right now…

I have lived an immensely blessed life, I am forever grateful for each and every opportunity and experience that I have been given. I owe these blessings to so many beautiful souls that have graced my life.

To name a few:

Stella....my dog, (actually my mom’s dog, that I frequently wish were, and do try to call mine). A good canine is an amazing source of peace, comfort, loyalty, and even exercise;  that she watches our every move, knows everything that happens in our house, and is steadfast in her role of protector, which has proven to be its own gift, over the past couple years.  She is SO human it is SCARY, and she's always there, just watching and waiting, knowing what’s going on outside and around us, even before we know;  that calming influence is indescribable.

I have the most interesting and inspiring group of older people (I'm 29) that I have had the privilege to get to know. These people include, politicians, artists, creators, entrepreneurs, mothers, fathers, and so many others.  I have met these people because I have often found myself having little in common with many people my own age, and because as a child my parents took me everywhere, and I was infused with the ability to fit in and blend with a great variety of personalities.  The list of amazing and gracious people, like my uncle Bull, my Mom’s dear friends, Karin, Lana and so many others that I could reach out to at any given time or day, whether it’s to ask for advice, get much-needed feedback on whatever project I might be working on, or whatever is a blessing that I do not underestimate.

I have the most beloved group of friends from elementary school, (4-12th grade) that I still talk to when we can all find the time... We may not talk everyday, but when we do it is like no time has passed. We travel distances to see each other, to be in each other's weddings, and there is just something about that "tribe," you know the ones that you had sleepovers with;  the ones who know all the little details of the most "challenging" years of your life, and are still willing to step in, share and support whatever, and whenever you need them, is something I don’t take lightly.  Can’t wait to carry that tradition forward and count many years of friendship to follow. 

I had the MOST amazing Aunt/Godmother combo anyone could have ever asked for;  she’s gone now, but is still in my heart and brain EVERY day with her little unseen messages of faith and persistence, urging me forward.  Her “pearls of wisdom” and favorite expressions were many, but a few show up each day, as we all tackle the new, and unprecedented obstacles that we face today.  I’m torn right now between a few different options, but I remember her telling me "respond rather than react," so as I am writing this post, she is the voice In my head, strongly reminding me... "Firstly, (my unfailing nickname when she was alive), “listen to Auntie Viv, and  “Respond rather than react.”  That expression is a constant these days, and while, there were several others too, like “With God All Things Are Possible,”  Auntie Viv was absolute in her style, and would add.... “for God sake’s,  buy the damn Gucci shoes too!”

I have the most wonderful sister;  technically a half sister, but who I would never consider just “half" of anything.  She is one of those people who gives, with everything she’s got, 100% of the time, yet is often taken for granted;  or even used, because of her immeasurable generosity and heart.  NO ONE should ever take her kind of love for granted.   The absolute, unconditional love and caring she still shares daily, even after decades of being treated horribly, by some other family members is nothing short of incomprehensible.  I appreciate exactly who she is, what she does, and the love that she shares with everyone around her. She is one of the hardest working people I know, and yet always finds time to give more… do more… be there more… I hope everyone has someone like my sister in their life… and if you do, here’s a tip, BE NICE, BE APPRECIATIVE, BE KIND, BE RESPECTFUL… You’ll never find another like her.

I have the most incredible cousin/best friend, who was, and will always remain my very first friend;  we have been through it all together, right down to the matching outfits that our mothers used to dress us in for photoshoots on a random Tuesday, or for the  Halloween carnival, or 4th of July parade down the streets of Rancho Santa Fe.  As children we played for hours running around in the driveway, practicing saying "bad words" just because it made us feel devilish, and like big kids.  We talk almost everyday, and sometimes, those talks are what I most look forward to, after a long day. We each have been given a gift, in human form....a person always there to listen, share ideas with,  and be the “sounding board“ and voice of reason, no matter the circumstances. Sometimes we talk for 5 minutes, or sometimes for 2 hours;  we share each part of our day, we talk about memories,  and we talk about the future.   It seems only fitting that we share almost every aspect of our lives with one another, as it’s a safe bet that each of us was probably the person to whom we confided our first secrets!  That’s just the way it is supposed to go, and I will be forever, grateful! 

I have a truly, one-of-a-kind, offensive lineman, type of husband. The kind that would literally lay down his life for me, and the people that we love. We always tell each other that "He'll keep me safe, and I'll Keep Him Wild" This is the most perfect statement for our relationship, because he is strong, he is steady, he is loyal, he is so very perfect, and often is the water to my fire. He calms me, he helps me stop and take a breath when everything seems too heavy... I TRUST HIM WITH EVERY BONE IN MY BODY.... How many people can say that about their spouse?  I hope it is a lot, but unfortunately I have seen, personally, that there really aren't that many people that can proudly speak and mean those words.  I will never take my ability to make that statement and stand by it for granted. 

And then.... oh and then.... I have a mother, a mama, a hero, a best friend, unlike any other human I have ever had the pleasure to know, much less call my mother and very best friend. This part of the post, will just never be enough;  there are never enough words to describe the respect and the love I have for this woman. If you have fought in the trenches with her (or against her for that matter) you already know she is the ONE you want in your corner. She is everything good that can be found in a person, truly... there just aren't enough accolades to describe her.  I admire her for more reasons that I can count, but recently, it's been her bravery that captures my attention.  Not the bravery that I once saw her possess, when fighting the legal battle of a lifetime, but a different kind of brave. The kind of courage that is not afraid to tell the truth;  the kind of bravery that changes people's lives, and the kind of bravery that can have frightening and even dangerous implications.  When my mom started "Dear Easy Diaries" she said that her entire mission would be worthwhile, if telling her truth, or If sharing her insight and experiences, was enough to help just one person get through a tough time, like she did.!  If just one person felt a connection to the truths that she wrote about, and had lived;  if just one person might feel stronger, and go one mile further than they thought they could, because of “Dear Easy,” then her efforts, and the painful memories she would have to re-experience through this intimate kind of sharing would be all worthwhile.   She wanted to give a voice to women everywhere, in all walks of life, who have shared, and all too often, experienced the belittlement and demeaning disregard of being “placed on the shelf like a doll;”  underestimated in every aspect of their being!  She knew that with the good that she sought to share, would inevitably come scrutiny, repercussions and the condemnation that surely is the hallmark, and calling card of the very people who create these toxic environments in the first place.   She stepped up anyways.  She stepped forward to tell her truth; a story that most people couldn’t fathom, and couldn't believe that such evil exists within someone, or multiple someone’s;  much less that the someone’s were a part of your life for so long?  Hers is a story that many might try to call untrue, but is actually a story of years of truths that is so shockingly real,  some of you will have to look away.  It’s easier to look away...even when you know it is the truth.  The truth has a way of making people feel uncomfortable;  It will make some people angry, and self conscious enough to try to scare and intimidate her into submission and silence....again.   But... then there are those that are reading this, that know exactly what she is talking about.  You know that her truth is possible, because you have experienced a similar reality, and have a story and a truth to be shared as well.  You deserve to be heard. When you have the truth on your side, you will always have the best defense that exists. THIS IS KEY! 

So there you go... these are my people... the people who I  love, respect and cherish above all others.   Another "gem" from my Auntie Viv was, “everyone has favorites, and there is no need to favor quietly“... so just like my Auntie Viv did for me, I'll come right out and say it... These people are my favorites, and my tribe.

For those reading this with a smile on your face, to you I say “thank you.”  Thank you for reading, thank you for supporting my mom, thank you for sharing your story, and thank you for sharing her amazing story about what the truth can look like.

And then... to those of you reading this ( and you know who you are) that are thinking to yourselves, who the hell does she think she is,  and how can we use this against her?   How can we make her look bad?  Well, to you I say cheers; cheers to all of you! This ones for you!  Please sue me. Please send me a nasty letter from your lawyer/husband.  Please threaten me... Go ahead... Make this blog even more popular than it already is... KEEP GOING....Keep reading the posts 17 times a day... You are making it all so much more interesting;  and remember one last thing, “the truth is a defense.”


A proud daughter, proud of her mom, proud of her strength, and pissed as hell, and quite sorry for anyone, who tries to "bully" her, and silence the truth! 

PS: A parting note… if you haven’t heard the song entitled “The Snake” by The Chief (Eric Church) go take a listen… All you rattlesnakes and copperheads…

"You can bark but there ain't much bite"
"You rattle that tail, but it's fear I smell
"I think you're shaking out of fright"


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A House Divided…


Money, Marriage, Mafia and Saudi Arabia